Sunday, June 5, 2011

Road to KUCTSO 2011/2012 Elections by njoraw

As election day comes closer the face of KUCT keeps changing everyday as contestants for the various posts pull out elaborate campaign stunts to woo in voters. From banners strategically placed to posters which are creatively designed, this election has seen some of the more tactical forms of campaigning than the previous 3 held before. Door to door campaigns have become he norm as well as street ambushes where each candidate ties to speak to anyone that is willing to listen to their campaign policies and plea for votes.

The propaganda being used this time round is also very hard hitting with hard facts being brought out against opposing candidates. This is also the first time there has been use of online polling for the student election thanks to a site developed by some of the promising minds that Kimathi University has to offer. You can vote for your proffered candidate as many times as you want and although the polls are not a true depiction of how the candidates fair on the ground, they give an indication as to who the likely candidate€s to win are come the elections on Thursday June 9th 2011.


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