Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Vampire Diaries season 2 episode 1 review: The Return

Season 2
Unlike most series we are used to VPD S02 begins with a bang.Katherine is back, which was one mystery quickly solved by the Salvatore brothers. Caroline was saved with Damon’s blood. As was John, only in his case it was with Stefan’s blood, accompanied with the threat of being made into a vampire if he didn’t leave town for Elena’s sake. 

Meanwhile, Jeremy’s vampire plan failed, so he’s still depressed. Katherine is all over town pretending to be Elena, and she is generating all sorts of threats and general commotion in her wake. She tells Stefan the real reason she’s back is to claim him and she breaks Damon’s heart by telling him that she only ever loved Stefan. Of course, Stefan doesn’t want to be with Katherine, and so she decides to take matters into her own hands by turning Caroline into a vampire

action packed
Tyler's uncle, Mason, arrives to console his family members, who are still grieving after the mayor's death....................the return of The Vampire Diaries is one that won’t disappoint


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